More Energy,
Balance & Resilience

Upgrade your immunity, transform fear & anxiety, and discover your inner power for health – during times of intense stress, uncertainty, and change

A 7-Module Program with
Qigong Master Mingtong Gu

WISDOM HEALING QIGONG with Master Mingtong Gu

Work with Universal Energy to foster your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing and well-being. Learn the foundational scope of Wisdom Healing Qigong practices.

Watch these short videos from Master Mingtong Gu sharing his intention and the journey you'll experience during:  

More Energy, Balance & Resilience: to upgrade your immunity, transform fear & anxiety, and discover your inner power for health – during times of intense stress, uncertainty, and change

An Ancient Practice Kept Secret for Over 5,000 Years 

Many of the world’s greatest healing practices were developed over thousands of years by ancient Qigong masters in China.

These Qigong masters of millennia past were the original scientists of the subtle body — working with the circulation of chi (life force energy) through coordinated flowing movement and meditation for increased health, happiness, awareness, serenity, longevity, and more.

Their capacity to heal body and mind through focusing on life force energy is now legendary — and eminently practical.

The result of their work? Proven methods for greater flow of energy throughout your body, which in turn increases vitality, mental clarity, emotional flexibility, and overall good health.

Regular Wisdom Healing Qigong practice can have dramatic effects on your happiness, well-being, stress levels, long-standing health issues, and feelings of fulfillment and self-actualization.

The gift of Qigong is that it helps us come back into our bodies to heal in mind, body, and heart every day, resulting in both short and long term benefits of greater health, resilience, and possibilities for Life — even during times of collective crises, global transformation,  and personal distress.

A Message from
Master Mingtong

"As a Qigong Master, Teacher, and Healer and based on my success working with people of all ages and with many physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges, I founded the Wisdom Healing Qigong method to make Zhineng Qigong accessible to Western lifestyles and cultures and to benefit people around the world.  The Zhineng Qigong lineage stems from 5,000-year-old Chinese wisdom traditions we now know as Qigong.

"I've shared Qigong teachings with hundreds of thousands of students at Retreats, workshops, and other live events. I've been recognized as the Qigong Master of the Year (by the 13th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine), and authored several books and online training programs that translate the ancient teaching of Wisdom Healing Qigong for modern readers and students.

"Studies conducted during the Retreats at the Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong, in New Mexico, whether in person or in an online seminar, have confirmed profound results. Prepare yourself to experience powerful transformation in your physical wellness, mental health, and spiritual development.

"In this challenging time of health crisis, our dedication and commitment to  support you in this journey of self-healing and self-realization are even stronger than ever. Together we can "be the change you want to see in the world."

Master Mingtong Gu
Qigong Master of the Year
13th World Congress on QiGong and
Traditional Chinese Medicine

Through Wisdom Healing Qigong... you'll experience the profound power of energy healing to expand your perception and possibilities for your life... You'll activate the energetic power within to release stagnant energies and open into new dimensions of wholeness, and positive physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states of being.  

7 Life-Affirming Sessions

More Energy, Balance &

During Times of Intense Stress, Uncertainty, and Change

7 Livestream Modules

Module 1

Discover The Energy Inside You As Your Source Of Resilience 
see more below

Module 2

Connect To Your Body To Return To Your Essence as Love
see more below

Module 3

Enhance Your Immunity Through The Transformation Of
Stress, Anger, and Fear

see more below

Module 4

Shift From Panic To Balance, Mindfulness, Inner-Knowing, And Wisdom
see more below

Module 5

Expand Your Mental & Emotional Resilience,
Finesse, And Flexibility

see more below

Module 6

Transmute Overwhelm & Resistance to Increase
Your Capacity for Change 

see more below

Module 7

Be The Source Of Light, Love & Calm For Your Family, Your
Community, And The World  

see more below

Lifetime Access to the program
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Module 1
Discover The Energy Inside You As Your Source of Resilience

The 3 Aspects, the 3 Qualities of Energy Cultivation, and the 3 A's practice (Acceptance, Activation, Appreciation)

When illness or problems with aging occur, you can suddenly find yourself struggling to adjust and locate even ground on this new uneven path. Qigong helps you stay in motion with balance and resilience by moving your energy flow and slowing down your mind.  We’ll explore and integrate  the role of mindfulness and movement in everyday life.

  • What is Wisdom Healing Qigong  — Understanding its history
  • The cosmology, methodology, and methods of Wisdom Healing Qigong
  • Comparing practices: Yoga, Tai Chi, Mindfulness Meditation and others to Wisdom Healing Qigong
  • How to master your energy
  • How to practice Wisdom Healing Qigong for maximum benefit
  • Learn and practice "Dragon Arm Movements"
    Learn and practice the 3-A's as a process for profound Qigong Healing

Get Started
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 Module 2: 

Connect To Your Body To Return
To Your Essence as Love

Cultivate your body as your home

In spite of the many conveniences of modern living, people are experiencing deep stress and health challenges that are placing unrelenting workloads on their immune systems. While a weary mind-body may be the new normal for many, we’ll explore how Qigong offers an alternative by connecting with your body and discovering energy within and around.  You will learn to release grief, heartache, emotional distress, or trauma that can be the source of disease, depression, and pain.  Emotions are stored, and often locked in the organs. By unlocking the organ’s energy, through specific sound and vibrations, challenging emotions can shift into positive states of harmony and oneness – joy and love.

  • Learn to connect with your body for health and happiness
  • Learn to release stress from the past and reduce stress from everyday life, even in challenging times
  • Learn and discover your essence as Love
  • Practice more awareness, compassion, and self-care as Love
  • Learn and practice the 3-A's, combined with gentle movements

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 Module 3: 

Enhance Your Immunity Through The Transformation Of Stress, Anger, and Fear

Cultivate energy, power, and the natural intelligence of purification

In spite of many sophisticated medicines, supplements, and treatments, we are increasingly experiencing an epidemic of immune system deficiency.  It is the underlying issue many types of diagnoses – allergies, chemical sensitivities, autoimmune conditions, cancers,  and others.

Conditions like this are magnified by the pandemic health crisis, economic challenges, social and political problems, as well as environmental disasters. Wisdom Healing Qigong allows us to discover our inner power through the cultivation of energy and the transformation of self-limiting emotions to awaken the natural functions of the body — especially our immune system.

  • Understand the deep cause of immune system deficiency
  • Activate 3 layers of immunity functions and the wholistic nature of purification
  • Learn and practice movements and sounds to improve your immune system
  • Learn to transform stress, anger and fear for immunity and healthy living
  • Learn to upgrade your inner operating system to transform uncertainty to spaciousness and wisdom
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Module 4: 

Shift From Anxiety and Panic to Balance, Mindfulness, Inner-Knowing, and Wisdom 

Cultivate the 5 Golden C's to connect with self, others, Nature, the cosmos and the healing chi field

The power of the teachings of Wisdom Healing Qigong is based on a paradigm of Oneness of Life. The expression of Life is interaction, interconnection, and inter-relationship. The journey to fulfillment starts with your inner relationship with yourself, — your body-mind-heart and your essence. When we cultivate our inner and energetic relationship to life, we build the capacity to reconnect with all of Life.  Then, all interactions and all relationships in your life can be infused with deeper wisdom, love and compassion.  This is the key to experiencing deep life fulfillment.

  • Discover that disconnection is the deepest cause of disease and suffering
  • How to cultivate a true connection with yourself for healing and fulfillment of all relationships, especially family
  • How to experience the healing power of nature, its beauty and magic
  • How to practice Wisdom Healing Qigong to fulfill your relationships
  • Learn Lachi practice to reconnect with self, others, Earth, and Heaven
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 Module 5: 

Expand Your Mental & Emotional Resilience, Finesse, And Flexibility

Connect and open your heart as your source of wisdom

Your heart is the gateway to love, joy, and wisdom. When you like someone or something, your heart opens and you experience joy and love. And when you encounter someone or something you dislike, your heart closes down and you experience numbness or even contempt. In challenging times we experience stress and contraction of the heart and mind.

Learn to access the energy of your heart

  • Practice sound healing to open your heart to increase your joy
  • Learn to calm your mind from the challenges of the stories of your life to find deep wisdom within your heart
  • Practice Haola (All is well and getting better) to activate wholeness and transformation
  • How to practice Wisdom Healing Qigong to build your mental and emotional resilience
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Module 6:
Transmute Overwhelm and Resistance To Increase Your Capacity For Change & Growth

Discover your inner artist and cultivate your creativity to open to a new vision for your life

Wisdom Healing Qigong helps us "unstick" energy and  awaken the creative power of life within us. Energy flow can freeze or contract when you experience great challenges. When you reconnect with your inner power and awaken its natural flow, you return to your resourcefulness and awaken your creative power to experience life as a joyful adventure, even in light of challenges.

  • Understand the deep cause of immune system deficiency
  • Active the 3 layers of immunity functions and the wholistic nature of purification
  • Learn and practice movements and sounds to improve your immune system
  • Learn to transform stress, anger, and fear in order to strengthen your immunity and cultivate healthy living
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Module 7:  
Be The Source of Light, Love, And Calm In Your Family, Community, And In The World

Cultivate your spiritual connection to live life with meaning and fulfillment 

You may wonder why you have not yet fulfilled a long time dream or an important goal. You might have learned the importance of setting your intentions, positive thinking, or other techniques that help to realize your hidden potential. And yet, it's very typical to feel exhausted and disappointed to see all your "New Year Resolutions" pass from dazzling to fizzling, like July 4th fireworks. The secret behind "The Secret" of manifestation is the inner alignment of your mind, heart, and body. When the mind and heart are disconnected or in conflict strong intentions are not enough. The most powerful and effective way to realize your inner alignment is to cultivate your connection and communication with your entire energy body — encompassing all dimensions of mind, heart, and body.

  • Learn to embrace movement, change, process, and wholeness 
  • Live life fully by embracing your unique journey and the discovery of deep meaning
  • Practice spiritual connection through the 5 Golden C's to experience wholeness and the oneness of Life
  • Cultivate the deep meaning of healing in all dimensions of personal and collective life
  • How to practice Wisdom Healing Qigong to rediscover your purpose, meaning, and realize fulfillment
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What Others Want You To Know...

"Master Mingtong Gu is an exquisite embodiment of being "happy for no reason." I've had the great pleasure of taking courses from Master Gu, and I continue to receive wonderful benefits from those courses and experience better health and a more joyful life. His message is a true blessing to our world that is in need of more happy Chi!

-Marci Shimoff, Author, Happy for No Reason, Love For No Reason, Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul

Several attendees of Master Mingtong's online programs during 2020 answer the question:

"Please describe your overall experience through the Wisdom Healing Qigong online program you are attending"

"From seeking, efforting, and striving... to coming back to the essence of who I am" - Yeshi

"Authenticity, total depth, and coming from the heart" -Eli

"The deepening realization that I dwell in love and infinite possibility" -Georgia

"Master Mingtong Gu is the real deal. He is a teacher who is living his teaching. When I am in his presence, I can feel his inner bliss permeate my heart. As I practice his easy Qigong techniques I am finding my days are much more aligned and effortless"

-Janet Bray Attwood, Author, The Passion Test

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More Energy, Balance & Resilience
During Times of Intense Stress, Uncertainty, and Change
Recorded In New Mexico
The Land of Enchantment

No Risk Guarantee

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE More Energy, Balance & Resilience, with Master Mingtong Gu — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please contact our friendly Support Team within 7 days of your purchase date and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Energy, Balance & Resilience During Times of Intense Stress, Uncertainty, and Change 

The Foundational Practices
of Wisdom Healing Qigong
Pure Consciousness
Sound Healing
Awaken Vitality
Lift Chi Up
Pour Chi Down

